Ok, you already know that in this fast-paced high-tech world it’s essential for your business to have a well-developed website. But where do you go to get the job done? With so many choices online and here in Kettering, OH, is it wise to select a local web designer or someone online? Following are 4 benefits of why it always pays to go local:
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Somehow you've been appointed the unnerving task of selecting the right agency to deliver your company's message effectively. This can be tricky because there's so many to choose from and they all promise marvelous results. So, how do you evaluate them and make a good decision? We'll discuss a total of five tips in this two part series to make sure the "fit" is right for your unique needs.
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Following are a few more reasons to consider regarding why not having a website can be detrimental to your business.
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It’s been estimated that between 50 to 60 percent of small businesses don’t have websites, and are content with word-of-mouth marketing— especially if they only cater to local clientele. Yet, statistics show that over 90 percent of consumers these days search online for products and services. So a good many of you are truly missing out because your competitors are using local Internet marketing. Declining a web presence means that the customers who aren’t finding you online will be finding them. Read on to learn several ways that the lack of a website is actually costing you business.
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Drum roll please— It's with great pleasure and pride that we introduce the new Graphic Impact logo and website.
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It’s the same idea but different delivery. Back in the old days (about 8 years ago) businesses knew that they needed a mail list or phone list to sell their wares and services. Today, most of us “oldies” are finding that method shrinking in ROI and internet marketing has become the new fast lane. Unfortunately, most established businesses don’t have the luxury of in-house web savvy marketing people and it is overwhelming to most business people to learn it on their own.
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